How is damage calculated? - Blogs


damage for this card = [servantAtk * npDamageMultiplier * (firstCardBonus + (cardDamageValue * (1 + cardMod))) * classAtkBonus * triangleModifier * attributeModifier * randomModifier * 0.23 * (1 + atkMod - defMod) * criticalModifier * extraCardModifier * {1 + powerMod + selfDamageMod + (critDamageMod * isCrit) + (npDamageMod * isNP)} * {1 + ((superEffectiveModifier - 1) * isSuperEffective)}] + dmgPlusAdd + selfDmgCutAdd + (servantAtk * busterChainMod)


* servantAtk = {Your servant's current Atk value}
* classAtkBonus = {class bonus}
* triangleModifier = {triangle bonus}
* attributeModifier = {attribute bonus}


* firstCardBonus = {0.5 if first card is a Buster card, 0 otherwise. No bonus to NPs}
* cardDamageValue
First Second Third
Arts 100% 120% 140%
Buster 150% 180% 210%
Quick 80% 96% 112%
** cardDamageValue for Extra card is 1
** NP cards act as a First card of the appropriate type.
* busterChainMod = {0.2 if it's a Buster Chain, 0 otherwise}
* extraCardModifier = {2 if Extra card in a Brave Chain, 3.5 if Extra card in a Buster/Quick/Arts Brave Chain, 1 if neither}


* randomModifier = {random from 0.9 to 1.1}
* criticalModifier = {2 if crit, 1 if not}


* npDamageMultiplier = {NP's damage multiplier (or 1 if it's not an NP)}
* superEffectiveModifier = {NP super effective modifier}
* isSuperEffective = {1 if the enemy qualifies (via trait or status), 0 otherwise}


* cardMod = {+-X% [Card] Power ([Card] Up & [Card] Up <Attack>)}
* atkMod = {+-X% Attack (Attack Up)}
* defMod = {+-X% Defense (Defense Up, Defense Up [Anti-X]), Def Up (but not Def Down) is skipped if the NP ignores defense}
* powerMod = {+-X% Power (Power Up, Power Up [Anti-X])}
* selfDamageMod = {No buff currently uses this. It's like Power Up but on the enemy's side.}

* isCrit = {1 if crit, 0 otherwise}

* critDamageMod = {+-X% Critical Power (Critical Power Up)}

* isNP = {1 if NP attack, 0 otherwise}

* npDamageMod = {+-X% NP Power (NP Power Up)}

* dmgPlusAdd = {+-X Extra Damage (Damage Plus, Damage Minus)} // Note the lack of %

* selfDmgCutAdd = {-+X Damage Taken (Damage Cut, Damage Up)} // Lack of % as well

Remember, 10% = 0.1.

* You'll note Attack and Defense buffs are direct and opposite buffs. +10% attack is straight +10% damage and +10% def is -10% damage.
* Just so you know: Balmung, Enuma Elish, Phantom Iron Maiden and Eye of Euryale are super-effective against specific traits. (Dragon, Servant, Female, Male).
* Yew Bow is super effective against enemies with the Poison status.
* [Anti-X] buffs will obviously only count if they match you/the enemy. So Power Up [Anti-Dragon] only works if you're hitting an enemy with the Dragon trait and so on.
* Minimum damage is 1 lol. (But only if Atk > Def)