Taiki Tさん (@DiefOu) | Twitter


Taiki T @DiefOu

@tiger_sakurai @Miyabo01 英版モンスト限定のこのモンスターの評価お願いします。アンチ重力バリアのゲージ闇属性キラーで、26ターン号令です。

Taiki T @DiefOu

playing league after so much BnS is so weird

Taiki T @DiefOu

@Miyabo01 クシナダ周回はイザナミ運極二体(マルチ)で後の二体は何が一番早いですか?

Taiki T @DiefOu

I see high school students touring the campus and then I realize "I use to be one of them"...

Taiki T @DiefOu

Its already been a few weeks into 2016 and I still write 2015 in my notes...

Taiki T @DiefOu

Was trying to figure out why my earphones stopped working, only to realize the volume was at 0 the entire time...

Taiki T @DiefOu

I'm just amazed at how many people are here so early at a 9am tutorial... I walk in at 8:55 and its practically full

Taiki T @DiefOu

0-3 in Arena... #FeelsBadMan

Taiki T @DiefOu

I hate 8am classes... especially when it takes an hour to get to Uni

Taiki T @DiefOu

First time I've seen a middle aged women playing with a Rubik's Cube on the subway

Taiki T @DiefOu

I think the battery pack I bought was the best investment I made this year

Taiki T @DiefOu

First time I've seen a black person working at a ramen place...

Taiki T @DiefOu

I am not going outside on boxing day ever again...

Taiki T @DiefOu

5 minutes into a league game mom calls you to get ready in 10 minutes... this is not going to end well

Taiki T @DiefOu

@tommyDHC shigatsu yo

Taiki T @DiefOu

I've never been so teary eyed after finishing an anime

Taiki T @DiefOu

Going outside without a bag or something on my back feels so weird...

Taiki T @DiefOu

Asks dad for 40 dollars to go hang out with friends, hands me 80...

Taiki T @DiefOu

It makes me mildly uncomfortable when I eat fruit with chopsticks... Or maybe its just me

Taiki T @DiefOu

80% of Google play store reviews never rate based on the content of the app, but 5 star if it works and 1 star if it doesn't
